On 5 April five swim coaches from the same swim club all resigned from their posts – just one week before Club Swimming re-opened in the UK. The coaches had all been suspended and were all facing disciplinary hearings. What makes the matter more significant is that the Coaching Team in question are all extremely experienced; highly qualified and have had significant success in GB Swimming.
Though it it not clear who was at fault, the story is a noteworthy one and one which many of my coaching friends will empathise. I cannot sadly name one coaching friend who has not suffered at the hands of a Committee that has encroached and undermined their programs and experience.
The full account can be found on the British Swimming Coaching Association website https://www.gbswimcoaches.co.uk/news/2021/ex-oxford-coaches-need-your-help)
Many committees members volunteer for their positions at a Swim Club because their child is an active member. This can become problematic when Committee members fail to act objectively and view their position as the erroneous right to having a say and direction with the Coaching Team. I liken this scenario to the manager of a department bringing in a group of specialists to come up with a solution to a new system and how to deliver that system effectively. As the manager you would want updates on costs/ timelines etc – but would you as manager wade in and try and dictate how things should run? You have just hired a team of specialists to do a job that you are neither trained or experienced. In the average Joe office workplace no-one without the necessary credentials would forcibly wade-in with their opinion to a qualified /experienced team delivering a project, yet when offspring are involved this can render all ideas of professional boundaries void.
Swim England evaluates and delivers training guidelines for coaches to deliver an athlete centred/ coach led program, but Committee members do not have to have any knowledge of running a business or in swimming. There is a definite lack of accountability and proper conduct in many Committees – Swim England only lays out guidelines for a Club’s constitution and do not visit Clubs to monitor their processes. I have had my fair share of bad conduct to the point years back I gave up on coaching. I have since then been fortunate to have worked with some fantastic Committees who absolutely understand anything poolside is the Coaching Team’s domain and that they are there to support the Coaches and manage all Club business.
The resignation of the 5 coaches though a dreadful outcome is perhaps a necessary reminder to Swim England that coaches need more support in the workplace – especially if we are to retain and grow talented coaches and thus keep the Sport of Swimming strong in the UK.