US figure skater and ultimate athlete Nathan Chen had to withdraw from the World Figure Skating Championships due to an injury.  It was the right thing to do as Chen did not want to make his nagging injury worse.  While this may seem like another sports headline that will disappear in the next few days, let me explain why it is incredibly important:

The Athlete – Nathan Chen just came off of an Olympic gold medal last month and I am sure the next goal was to get a gold medal at the world championships as he was the reigning world champion.  Chen realized how important his body and health were.  Risking further injury could sideline him for a long time, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.  His decision was obviously the correct one, but he was in a safe enough space where he was able to say that he was unable to compete and even practice.

The Support of the Athlete – It is evident here that Nathan Chen’s support structure is focused on his health and wellbeing.  There was not a coach, sports governing body, sponsor, or government requiring Chen to compete.  The support structure Nathan Chen does have created a safe enough environment where he was able to withdraw from competition and practice to heal.  This support comes from family, friends, teammates, coaches, officials, doctors, and even fans.

The Recovery – While we do not know the extent of the injury, Nathan Chen did not want to risk his future skating career and health by taking a break.  This break for Chen will not be easy as he will not be able to compete for his fourth world title, his recovery will challenge him mentally, physically, and emotionally, and his support structure needs to be as supportive as ever by helping him through this.  This recovery may define the rest of his skating career, so Chen’s support team must be there for him at all times, especially if his recovery is delayed.

If Nathan Chen’s support team is there for him and for what he really needs, it will be a successful recovery for him.  Chen will be able to return to the rink ready to mentally, emotionally, and physically compete at the next competition.  We all hope for a successful and quick return for Nathan Chen.

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