Coaching is about sport, it’s about educating, but it’s also about leadership. At the center of sport, the coach is uniquely placed to influence the athletes and set the standard for behavior. At the grassroots level, this is about extending that influence on to parents as well and establishing a safe and stable environment for young athletes to grow and develop. At any level, the coach is responsible for establishing and directing the ethical agenda and therefore guiding the overall culture and moral position of the organization. Appropriate manners and fair play are only part of the equation in the overall rationalization of the value of competition and sporting life. Importantly, a coach must support the uncommercial reward of sports as well, such as playing for the love of the game.

Coaches aren’t unsupported in their role, they like anyone else in a position of influence will have undergone training to suitably qualify, but with sport such a huge machine, programs are always available to assist.  Australia’s sporting community is well acquainted with the Good Sports program which has helped over 9,500 sporting clubs across Australia provide a safe and inclusive environment.

Central to the work of the Good Sports curriculum is the accreditation program; the Good Sports Club. Attainment of entry to the Good Sports Club at a tiered three-level pace offers benefits that assists in the development of a welcoming environment. Engagement with such programs enables long-term benefits which impact the culture and environment of the club into the future. Forward-thinking in the establishment of protocols surrounding inclusivity and diversity in sports not only prevents future issues but teaches young players early about the ideals and concepts of a healthy playing field.

In the United Kingdom, the counterpart organization is the Youth Sport Trust. The Youth Sport Trust develops programs and interventions and provides the resources to engage young people, recognizing the need to engage youth who have different needs. In the United States, the largest youth sports organization is the National Council of Youth Sports (NCYS). Referring to itself as an advocate for youth sports and therefore the greatest resource, the NCYS serves 60 million registered participants in organized youth sports programs. “Our members are recognized as the gatekeepers, key decision-makers, influencers, and advocates for youth sports participation.”

Coaches are not just imparting the rules of the game but instilling a positive attitude towards sport and healthy living. Benchmarking, networking, and learning about current developments and issues in sport is an important ingredient of their professional development. It is essential that sporting clubs and organizations at the grassroots level avail themselves of the resources and support of these organizations for the sake of all stakeholders but primarily for future-proofing the potential for long-term commitment to sport by these young athletes.

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