Tag: Behavior

Positive Coaching

Have you ever had a coach tell you that she believed in you?  If you did, that coach may have been onto something.  That same coach probably told you that he was proud of you […]

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Watching, Fast and Slow

Baseball and football are different in many ways.  They represent different cultures, different lifestyles, customs, and traditions.  The mere presence of a timeclock, or lack thereof, defines separate ways of life.  Football is fast, and […]

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Fans Behaving Badly

A recent football match in France was stopped midgame due to fans throwing objects at athletes, storming the field, fighting with athletes, and because of their overall behavior.  It was extremely sad to watch and […]

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Temper, Temper!

Sometimes passions ignite on-field and result in unpleasant behavior. It must be hard to be ‘fired up’ to play hard but keep a lid on those emotions. On Monday night West Coast Eagles lost unexpectedly […]

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The Fishbowl

Media exposure has heightened societal awareness of sports, players, and their organizations. The prevalence of scandal is as much a matter of conflict or negligence as it is about societal expectations. It’s not really as […]

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Old School Behaviors

What do you do when a leader in your organization makes backwards and derogatory comments about a group of people you identify with? Do you quit? What if you are passionate about the organization’s mission? […]

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