Sports Culture is often unique as you move from sport to sport. I know, this is news to everybody. (Sarcasm) But sometimes you come across certain individuals that express Sport Culture so uniquely that it makes you take a step back and rethink it yourself, for me that person is Pole Vault World Championship Silver Medalist, Tye Harvey. (Yr. 2001 and PR of 5.93m)

Tye, a father of two and husband to renowned High Jumper Amy Acuff, is what I would describe as just simply a good person, and a true sportsman. (How he and Amy met is really funny, but I won’t get into that here) When I first met Tye, it was basically a “fanboy” moment. He addressed this by saying, “I’m oblivious to that fanboy idea; we’re all just people doing cool stuff.” (As this idol of mine is just humbly sitting there eating his dinner, sorry Tye, I’m a fanboy regardless)

As Tye says, “The greater the risk in a sport, the tighter ‘the community’ will be. You’ll find yourself rooting for your competitors in an instant. Dude, you could die pole vaulting – what else could naturally generate support from everyone in the field?” Rooting for your competitors – that is true Sport Culture, that is how risk can create camaraderie.

But what I proffer to my audience is this, the community that Tye speaks of is so true and real. Pole Vaulters are unique, tough, and competitive, but also very kindhearted people. The enemy is always the next bar to clear, and we’re risking everything to clear it – but we’re clearing the bar together. (We’re also maybe a little nuts to be doing it in the first place)

We’re a team despite being competitors, and that is truly special. As a last word, Tye gives a very shrewd piece of advice to young athletes, “Define what you want to do athletically … know what your goals and ambitions are, because when you truly know what they are, they become a dream that is much more attainable. Believe in yourselves. Shoot, if I can succeed, anyone can.” Support each other everyone, this is life, we’re all in it together despite our differences. Sports bring us together.

From Tye and Myself, as always, Cheers to Sports.

Pictured Above: Tye Harvey Celebrating After Clearing a Crossbar

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