Effective communication lies at the heart of every successful team. Clear and effective communication is
central to team cohesion and overall performance. As a coach, understanding how your communication
style impacts the team, athletes, staff, and fellow coaches can be a game-changer for your leadership

Your Unique Communication Style

Everyone possesses a unique communication style, shaped by individual personality traits, cultural
backgrounds, and past experiences. This style influences how we convey and receive information, and it
plays a significant role in our interactions within a team context. Our communication styles are a
reflection of our psychological and emotional state, and they can significantly impact the environment,
health, and productivity of athletes and the team (Adler and Elmhorst, 2019).

The Impact on Team Dynamics

The impact of a leader’s communication style on team dynamics cannot be overstated. A clear,
respectful, and inclusive communication style can foster an environment of trust and in turn, boost team
morale. In contrast, inconsistent, vague, or dismissive communication can lead to misunderstandings,
resentment, and conflicts between coaches, athletes, and the team.

For instance, as a coach dealing with athletes from diverse backgrounds, an inclusive communication
style that acknowledges and respects diversity can foster a sense of belonging within athletes.

Two-way Communication

However, effective communication is not just about conveying your ideas effectively. It’s equally
important to be a good receiver of information. Active listening and the ability to understand others’
perspectives are vital aspects of effective communication (Golman et al., 2020).

The Path to Improvement

Understanding your communication style and its impact on your team is the first step towards improving
your communication skills. It’s about being self-aware, recognizing the areas that need improvement,
and then consciously working on them.

In conclusion, effective communication is key to successful leadership. By understanding your
communication style and its impact on the team, you can adapt and improve your communication skills,
ultimately leading to a more cohesive and effective team.


Adler, R. B., & Elmhorst, J. M. (2019). Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and
the Professions. McGraw-Hill Education.

Golman, R., Hagmann, D., & Loewenstein, G. (2017). Information Avoidance. Journal of Economic
Literature, 55(1), 96–135.

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