Juliet Macur of the #newyorktimes wrote a great article about a decision that USA Gymnastics made earlier this year: They suspended a coach for eight years for repeatedly putting her #athletes‘ #mentalhealth#emotionalhealth, and #physicalhealth in jeopardy. This decision by USA Gymnastics shows they are aware of how coaches can adversely impact #athletes both short and long term.

However, Maggie Haney, the coach that was suspended, still does not fully reflect on her actions yet: “I think my mistakes were that I cared too much, and wanted them to be a little too perfect every day, when maybe that’s not possible”. Under no circumstances, does caring for someone translate into mental, physical, or emotional abuse.

Maggie Haney also goes on to defend herself by saying that “Maybe what used to be OK is not OK anymore, and maybe it shouldn’t be. I think maybe the culture has shifted”. What she still does not understand is that her treatment of athletes was never okay, even if it was tolerated. Read the article here:

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