At this point, SMART goals are everywhere. SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, etc. It was originally designed to help individuals and groups focus on processes. The challenge – it doesn’t because we have lost perspective on what actually needs to be developed: The Skill.

Goal-setting can be a fantastic structural tool when pointed in the right direction. The easiest way to use goal-setting more effectively is to look at the priorities of the job. After a performance, what went well? What areas need strengthening? These performance reviews are perfect scenarios to utilize goal-setting to shift an individuals mindset to skills. Below are a couple examples:

  • If I am a QB that threw 3 interceptions, what skills need improving? (In this case, perhaps their read progressions, or their footwork). It is specific to a skill. Now, create the goal/routine to develop that skill.
  • If I was giving a presentation and forgot half of the slide deck because I was so nervous, than what skills need improving? (Perhaps, it’s how I studied the slides? Perhaps, its relaxation skills?). Once again, we are bringing their attention to the skills behind the performance.

What you focus on is what multiplies.

– Unknown

Over time, you are teaching a new way of looking at performance. We are shifting our mindset away from dwelling on outcomes and focusing on skills. This is the essence of a growth mindset and a great way to promote a high performing culture!

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